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Presseausweis & Press Card:
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Presseausweis Info
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How you obtain your new press card
How do I get my press card? Step 1: register online and wait for the accreditation confirmation. Step 2: Make the payment. Step 3: all press documents are completed and mailed out in an attractive GNS folder. The details: within the scope of the accreditation, you will receive various press documents:

GNS Press
• International press card
• Registered press ID card
• Secret tip press agent
• Sign for your car (0.00 Euro)
• Proof of editorship
• Accreditation document

Some questions and anwers
• Can I become a press card even if I am a non-EU national? Yes, of course.
• Can I pay online? Yes, by PayPal or bank transfer.
• How long does it take for application to be processed? Ono to two days.

Tips for your work as a journalist
You will receive a press card if you are working as a journalist (see registration). You are not required to provide proof of the type of journalistic work you are currently doing or wish to do in the future. Journalistic work may include for example the following: 

• Trade show attendance
• Press or media photographer
• Voluntary media work
• Movie or theatre reviewer
• Free texter
• Tourism marketing
• Creation of online contents
• Research journalist
• Event reporter
• Blog writer (blogger)
• Compiling travel reports
• Advertising or PR work
• Preparing local news
• Recensions for books/CDs
• Working as a camera man
• Internet radio (editor)
• Screen play author
• Documentations
• Online editor
• PR work in an association

No monthly fees: fair flat rate, extension and validity
The authorised GNS accreditation and as a result the press cards are valid from the date they are issued. The accreditation fee is only payable once: 127.00 Euro. An additional service fee will be charged: 36.00 Euro for the year of registration (always pro-rated calculation). Follow yearly fee: 41.00 Euro. The accreditation contains an authorised proof of editorship and the press sign for the car (both at no extra charge). And in addition, we will confirm upon request that you are a registered journalist with GNS Press.

For journalists: press cards and their benefits
A press card is used as proof of the journalistic work opposite third parties (authorities, companies, event organisers, etc.). The card is a tool to do research, but it is also used for suppliers of press discounts. GNS Press welcomes part-time or freelance journalists. By the way, the press card is also an ideal alternative for any media workers carrying out voluntary activities.

• Hassle-free and transparent processing
• Press card for international use
• Costs: one-time cost of 127.00 Euro
• Yearly fee: 36.00 Euro
• The press card is reissued every year
• Guaranteed extra services
• All inclusive: no surcharge for car sign.
• Follow yearly fee: 41.00 Euro.

  Request your admission as journalist now: register here and use the special privileges.  


ENA Reporters.de NewsPR.de Internationaler Pressepass.de Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung

ImpressumAGB | Press cards
GNS PRESS - International Press Association
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Press Card Neu: Fördergelder European News Agency PressePass.Com
PKW-Presseschild Geheimtipp Reporters.de EUCJ.Org
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