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Special publication - topic press card
What you are not supposed to know about press cards: find out how easy it is to work as a journalist and how to make smart use of a press card. You will love this book, because it uncovers a multitude of insider secrets and provides answers to the most important questions. The publication is available only in german language and was designed for prospective parties who wish to learn more about this exciting topic: exact instructions on how to act, resembling a personal consultation.

   GNS Services 23’000 Euro Insiders tip Sideline PR-Generator

GNS Press

• The whole truth about press discounts
• How to receive interesting invitations
• Free entry to trade shows and events
• How to get insider news
• Press cards and traffic controls
• Proper use of the press sign for the car
• How to proof your journalist status
• How to avoid photography bans
• The waterproof journalist status
• Why a press ID card is so important

• How to be awarded lucrative press jobs
• Great fun with the VIP lounge
• Pitfalls for representatives of the press
• Second income as press agent
• Do´s and don’ts in the press business • Publishing pictures and reports
• Economically priced cars for journalists
• How to deal with celebrities
• Theme parks are spoiling press workers
• Good press work: guaranteed success

Free access to the full version via login area
GNS members receive free valuable insider news about the topic press card in the agent login. The bonus edition »Secret tip: press agent« valued at 30.00 Euro is included at no cost. The following contents are only available in the full version:

• The trick that allows you to save 50 percent of costs for your statutory health insurance
• Why press cards are a form of license to talk and why journalists are never admitting this
• Road closures: how to circumvent them legally
• Offers you should stay away from
• This is how you know whether the press card issuer is legitimate.
• Making use of special privileges. Register here. Request your admittance as a journalist now

 Request your admission as journalist now: register here and use the special privileges.  


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