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Presseausweis & Press Card:
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Job and lifestyle: what journalists enjoy
It isn’t always easy to get in touch with interesting people from the industry, the arts scene and show business. The status as a representative of the press helps along with this. Be it a celebrity party, an event or informal discussions: opportunities for journalists and press photographers abound and many doors open by themselves. Financial and professional success is often realisable in the press and media industry much quicker than you would have believed.

GNS Press
Do you feel united with the spirit of the time, love to do research and you enjoy approaching people? Would this appeal to you? If so, you should start your journalist career now. GNS Press will provide you with the necessary tools: plenty of tips, hints and insider know-how are awaiting you to help you set up foot as a journalist. Start planning the most important dates in your region: as journalist, you are always welcome. And with a bit of luck, you will gain access to an environment which was off limits to you until now. You are guaranteed a look behind the scenes (provided you are doing a good job). Almost nothing prevents you from being a successful journalist.

Side jobs: part-time journalists have an advantage
The majority of the population prefers to use information available on the internet to form their opinion. Many companies are not yet prepared for this type of opinion forming and require help. Online PR and target group-specific communication are just two of the fields part-time journalists are able to tackle immediately.

What you should know
GNS Press is a journalist association and part of a recognised network of journalists. Several thousand members in more than 40 countries throughout the world value the press-specific services for cross-boundary journalistic professional activities. The development of journalistic skills and qualified journalistic work in all press-relevant areas are the focus of the activities. GNS Press supports full- and part-time journalists around the globe and provides a broad range of journalistic know-how. As an independent organisation, GNS Press also makes its services available to part-time journalists. More..

Example: Situation in Italy
Please read the following situation description: "I am from Italy and here we are not allowed to have a press card as freelancers. If people such as me operate, write and own a news website and they are working hard on it, then nobody gives you anything. The only possibility is to work for some magazine (a well-known one) for three years for free (traineeship, practical training), whereupon it is only afterwards that it is possible to request to join the Press Chamber of Italian Journalists. I consider that this is a discriminating way to do this type of things, particularly in view of the fact that there are a large number of people writing and working hard on these web magazines. I have been working on my online magazine for two years now and have a good audience – but nevertheless, many times I cannot take part in Tennis Tours because I do not have a press ID card. This means that I have to pay for a ticket every day, etc. (this is extremely expensive for me)."

The solution: This hard-working journalist made an application for the international press card. This press card is issued by GNS Press and can be used outside Italy as a valid press card. In the context of journalistic activities, this international press card allows the holder to receive free passes or access to the pressroom during tennis events or other sport events. In a nutshell: every journalist is allowed to have a real and valid press card. The press card can be issued by a press chamber or an independent journalist organisation like GNS Press. This is Europe - every European can work within Europe without restrictions. Journalists too! And every journalist can freely select which organisation should issue the press card.

 Request your admission as journalist now: register here and use the special privileges.  


ENA Reporters.de NewsPR.de Internationaler Pressepass.de Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung

ImpressumAGB | Press cards
GNS PRESS - International Press Association
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Press Card Neu: Fördergelder European News Agency PressePass.Com
PKW-Presseschild Geheimtipp Reporters.de EUCJ.Org
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