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Contact information


Federal managing office: Service and informations:
• European Press Federation e.V. (EPF)
• c/o General News Service Network Association Inc.
• Annette-Kolb-Str. 16
• DE-85055 Ingolstadt
• E-Mail: Contact
• Vereinsregister: VR 200315
• EPF Steuernummer: 124/108/10571
• EPF Ust.-ID (§ 27 a UStG): DE 265545340
• Vorstand der EPF e.V.: Rudolf Walter
• Office hours Monday to Thursday:
• 9.30 - 11.30 am and 15.00 - 17.00 pm
• Telephon: +49 (0) 841-951.99 687
• Telefax:   +49 (0) 841-951.99 661
• Director of the General News Service 
  Network Association Inc.: Rudolf Walter
• GNS Ust.-ID: DE 227354822
• Official Reg. Act. No. of GNS Press:

GNS Press

With approximately 8000 members, GNS Press is one of the largest and independent international associations for journalists. GNS members hail from all branches of the media industry and the associated fields. GNS members are responsible for numerous press reports and are integrated into editorial work to a very high degree. GNS Press has been working as a journalist association since 1991 and is a member of numerous international organisations. Images licensed by: picture credits

Representative Germany and Europe:
• GNS Press Association Inc. - Representative Europe
• Annette-Kolb-Str. 16 - D-85055 Ingolstadt
• Email: Germany@gnspress.com

Representative Netherlands:
• Mr Gualtiero Buonamassa - Representative Niederlande
• Dennendal 83 - 3142 LB Maassluis
• Email: netherlands@gnspress.com

Representative Middle East and India:
 • Mr Murad GHOLI
 • Representative Middle East & China
 • StatieStraat 25 - BE-2600 Berchem-Antwerpen
 • Email: MiddleEast@gnspress.com

Representative south East Asia:
 • Mr. Mahmood Amjad RAI
 • Representative of Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Hongkong, Singapore,
   China, India, Sirilanka and Brunei
 • Rai House, Mohallah Lalanpir, Jhang Road, Shorkot City - PK - PUNJAB
 • Email: southeastasiancountries@gnspress.com

Representative Italy and Malta:
 • Dr. Giuseppe Viaggio - Representative Italy
 • Email: Italy@gnspress.com
GNS Press

Strategic Partner, Memberships & Services:

• Member of EUCJ (European Chamber of Journalists)
• Representation Office of the ENA-Agency
• Promoting Member EPF Press Federation
• Member of Experts for Europe


• Text and Layout:
• GNS Press Association Inc.
• Pictures: Licensed by fotolia.de

European Chamber of Journalists

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