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Presseausweis Info
Presseausweis & Press Card:
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Presseausweis Info
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International Press Card 2025. Press Photographer Card inclusive.
For journalists, reporter, press photographer and part time journalists too.
The quick, safe and legitimate way to the new press card. 95.3 % of GNS members extended their membership for 2025 and are successfully using the special advantages as a representative of the press. Is there a better argument? Get your coveted VIP status in the press industry now. You will be astonished at the many opportunities and possibilities. Proven since more than 25 years: GNS Press is the ideal alternative for part- and fulltime reporters, press photographers, PR specialists, journalists and media workers.
  Presseausweis beantragen


Yes  Internationally valid version Yes  Top price-performance ratio Yes  Representative document
Yes  Guaranteed forgery-proof Yes  Press discounts possible Yes  Proof of editorship
Yes  Can be used around the world Yes  Maximum benefit Yes  Original press ID card
Yes  Includes press sign for the car Yes  24/7 support included Yes  Smooth processing
Yes  Authorised press documents        

Inon Info   What you should know   Inon Info   The 3 main questions   Inon Info   The first remuneration

Press card International

New and exclusiv - only for GNS  member: topic press cards, privileges and benefits
Revised and more improved: Insiders tip Press-Agent. All about the topic press card. 82 pages, for fre. German language. Reading rehearsal

Can be used immediately around the word: international press card (IPA). Some institutions, event organisers and companies abroad are granting significant discounts or make your journalistic activities easier if you present an international press card. Choose G.N.S. Press, because now is the time for your chance that opens new doors for you – even before you knock on them. Next steps? Online applicaton [...]


European News Agency
Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung
  Iternationaler Pressepass.com


ENA Reporters.de NewsPR.de Internationaler Pressepass.de Deutsche Wirtschaftszeitung

ImpressumAGB | Press cards
GNS PRESS - International Press Association
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Press Card Neu: Fördergelder European News Agency PressePass.Com
PKW-Presseschild Geheimtipp Reporters.de EUCJ.Org
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